Fantasy Sex Toy Guide

How to Choose the Right Fantasy Toy

How to Choose the Right Fantasy Toy

Choosing the perfect fantasy toy can be a delightful yet overwhelming experience given the vast array of options available. Here's a guide to help you find the right one for your desires and needs, using our diverse product line-up as a reference.

Identify Your Preferences

Understanding your preferences is the first step. Are you looking for something unique and customizable? Do you have specific fantasy themes in mind? Consider what excites you and what you're comfortable with.

Consider the Material

Here at Odyssey Toys all of our products are proudly made from premium platinum grade silicone, known for its durability, flexibility, and body-safe properties. This material is ideal for anyone looking for a safe and long-lasting toy.


Explore the Range of Products

  • Dildos: Our handcrafted dildos are fully customizable, allowing you to choose the size, shape, and texture that suit your fantasies. Whether that be a knotted toy like our Lycan Dildo which provides you with a mid shaft challenge resulting in that satisfying pop on exit, or our G-Spot Tentacle Dildo The Tenox which has been specifically designed for prostate stimulation or g-spot stimulation, due to the large bulbous pearl and the sweeping shaft for comfort. 
  • Grinders: Perfect for those who enjoy external stimulation, our grinders are designed for comfort and pleasure as well as looking like functional art, they truly are designed to offer exceptional stimulation, but even these come in a variety of styles, with our insertable grinders The Kraken and Lor'dan Part III both differing in what they offer - The Kraken, being a more teasing sensation, and the  Lor'dan Part III being a longer yet still slim and comfortable insertable. Or our flatter grinders such as The Tenox Grinder just allows you to add some lubricant and glide across the ribbed texture.
  • Penis Sheaths and Extenders: These are excellent for enhancing size or texture and providing a new experience for both partners. Check the internal size as well as the external circumference... The Lycan Sheath is girthy, whereas the Xan Sheath is slim, yet more textured. 
  • Ovipositors: For those into egg-laying fantasies, our ovipositors are a unique choice and for those a bit more experienced. Our Xan Ovipositor is a great start, due to the smooth shaft tapered tip, but it is quite big so please bear this in mind! 
  • Depth Trainers: These toys help you explore and increase your comfort with deeper penetration, but are not for the feint of heart... The Sentinel Depth Trainer has the best of both worlds when it comes to texture, with one side featuring soft tentacle suckers and the other more smooth, whereas the Spawn of Vecna is completely textured, all the way around. 

Customization Options

One of the standout features of Odyssey Toys is the ability to customize each product. You can select colours, firmness  and choose specific sizes to create a toy that perfectly matches your fantasy.

More about Firmness Options

Firmness is often a personal preference, but here are some key things to remember... The more firm a toy is the more intense the stimulation will be, and this is critical to think about when looking at highly textured toys. 

Larger toys will also feel more firm due to the volume of silicone, so we always recommend large sex toys in a soft or extra soft firmness, as this allows the toy to move with your body and compress slightly, ensuring it feels more comfortable. 

We don't offer all firmness options for all toys - this is because some toys just don't suit certain firmness's - for example grinding toys are best in softer silicones and ball gags need to be in a firmer silicone. 

If you're unsure then we would always recommend going with our soft firmness, which is our most popular - this offers a perfect balance between firm and extra soft, and means that it's still easy to insert even at small sizes, and is a nice balance of stimulation. 

Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations!

Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the functionality and satisfaction of each product. Don’t hesitate to seek recommendations based on others' experiences. 

You can always drop us an email if you're unsure too - we're always happy to help ; 

Consider Your Experience Level

If you're new to fantasy toys, start with something simpler like a basic dildo or grinder. More experienced users might opt for advanced options like ovipositors or depth trainers.

Safety and Maintenance

Always prioritize safety. Make sure to clean your toys before and after each use with a suitable cleaner. Platinum silicone toys are non-porous, making them easier to maintain so a wash with warm soapy water will help keep you safe on your next adventure. 

Shipping and Discretion

Odyssey Toys offers worldwide shipping, ensuring your package arrives discreetly and securely, no matter where you are.

Choosing the right fantasy toy is about exploring your desires and finding a product that meets your unique needs. With our extensive range and customization options, you're sure to find the perfect addition to your collection but feel free to reach out should you need any further advice! 

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